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Minyan Pod


One of this year's options for the High-Holy-Days is to create your own Minyan Pod to host in yours or your friend's home. We will be glad to supply a chazzan/Rabbi, Torah scroll and prayer books.

Here is what is needed for us to help you create your pod:
- The pod will be located within 1.5 miles from the Shul
- A commitment from at least 11 males above bar-mitzvah
- Seats and space that will adhere to CDC COVID-19 guidelines
- A mechitza between the male and female seating
- A contribution to help cover the costs

Please fill out the form below, so we can get working on organizing your pod:

Which service(s) are you planning for the pod?


If you are planning on having kids attend your Minyan Pod, we may be able to help supply someone to run a kids program. Please check the following box if you are interested. 


The cost of helping coordinate your Minyan Pod may be up to $3000 (though might be significantly less), depending on how may services you are having (we will provide someone to lead the services, the prayer books and Torah scroll). Please check the box below to confirm that your pod will cover the expenses:

Thu, April 18 2024 10 Nisan 5784